Labrador Inuttut Dictionary
About this Text
This dictionary is a compilation of the best Labrador Dialect word lists written so far. Entries with no reference come from Rose Jeddore's UKauset katitsutauppaliningit. [almost 3,000 entries]

Additions are from the following texts:

  • Uliirnaisigutiit, Lucien Schneider (as taken from Theodor Bourquin, Grammatik der Eskimo Sprache, 1891) [Ref: Schneider: Bourquin, 541 entries]
  • Uqausigusiqtaat, Louis-Jacques Dorais [Ref: Dorais, 367 entries]
  • OKauset katitsutaupallianingit, Beatrice Watts and Sara Townley [Ref: Watts, 169 entries]
  • Our Footprints are Everywhere, Carol Brice-Bennett (Ref: Brice-Bennett, 35 entries)
  • Tingmiat, Omajut, Peruktut, Imamiutallo, John Murphy and Eugene Lidd (Ref: Murphy, 32 entries)
  • Eskimo-English dictionary, F.W. Peacock [Ref. Peacock, 16]
  • Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, S.G. Aichen et al (Ref: Aichen, 15 entries)
  • Learn Inuktitut Fast, Nathan Igloliorte [Ref: Igloliorte, 11 entries]
  • Eskimos and Settlers in a Labrador Inuit community, Schmuel Ben-Dor (Ref: Ben-Dor, 6 entries)
  • Labrador Inuit Land claims settlement, contributor John Jararuse [Ref: Jararuse, 5 entries]

Also used:

    Birds of eastern and central North America, Roger Tory Peterson

Special thanks to:

  • Zippora Nochasak and the Noggasak family of Labrador who helped me to learn Inuktitut and contributed words [Ref: Noggasak, 22 entries]
  • Lucas, Sarah and Veruna Ittulak in Nain who reviewed all of the animal and plants species listed and made their own additions. [Ref: Ittulak, 21]
  • The OKalaKatiget Society in Nain for adding weather terms [Ref: OkalaKatiget, 9 entries]
  • Julius Merkuratusuk in Nain reviewed some of the animal species and made one addition. [Ref: Merkuratusuk]


  • ? after an animal or plant species is a name was not know by the Ittulaks in Nain [it may be from another dialect or it may be incorrect]
  • Ref. ? is a word that got into my dictionary from an unknown origin.
  • Standardized Labrador Inuktitut is used with the following modifications:
    -tl long written as *dl
    -ng long written as *nng
  • Exceptions: entries from Schneider that could not be easily transcribed to S.L.I. weren't modified
  • References are in order:
    i.e.: Ittuk Old man. n. Rustling sound.v. King in a deck of cards (the old man.). Ref: Schneider: Bourquin Ref: Dorais Ittujuk. Fashion befitting an old man. The wind moans.
    Ittuk Old man. n. from Jeddore
    Rustling sound. from Jeddore
    King in a deck of cards (the old man.). from Schneider and Dorais


This text was written for Anika Ita Noggasak-Pigott, born in the year 2000, mother tongue Labrador Inuktitut.

--Paul Pigott

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